Thursday, May 21, 2015

Field day

Today we had feild day at 11:10. There where lots of rounds I will tell you about it.So we had 14 stashons. The first stashons was the Frog the frog toss we had lots of lily pads that were spots you stood on one then you throw your forg into the buckets if you made it in you got the spot. The second stashone was called the car wash. You have to get in a line then the first person puts a sponge in a bucket of water then she or he pases it over ther head and the last person squeses the sponge into a bucket then you have to run to the front of the line at the end the parent sees what teem has the most water.The 3 stashons was hola hoping. You just got to hola hoop with your frindes. The 4 stashon was jump the creak. There were two jump rops and you jumped over them you try not to jump in the creak or on the jump ropes, what we mean by creek is the grass.But they will move it further. The 5 stashon is we get to have a Popsicle and water. The 6 staion is we unlose our shoe and Kick as hard as we can and the shoe will fly we will see who kicked there shoe the farthest. The 7 was mosquito tag. The 8th was we put a cup on our head and the second  person has a sponge and puts it  in water then they try squeeze the water in the up that is on there head. 

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