Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ugly sweaters

Yesterday we wore ugly sweaters. A lot of people wore ugly sweaters because it was ugly sweater day.   
It was very fun.

                             Wroten by Luke S. and Carter.

Ms. Mathes Christmas present

We got a Christmas present from Ms. Mathes . We got a picture of her dog and bunny Buffy and we got a jolly rancher candy cane and and a book we picked out. We got it all in a little cute snowflake bag. Inside our book we made a sticker and it said our names. We love Ms. Mathes. She's the best! 

By Taylor and Emma

Hat day

Today we have hat day because it is the last week before winter break. We can wear any hat we want to school. This week we had something every day and today it is hat day. A lot of people like wearing hats to school. 

By Taylor and Rory 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


We are doing subtracting in class. We are talking about the short cut way which is writing the numbers up and down and borrowing. Some other ways to subtract are jumping and breaking up numbers. And after winter break we are going to borrow two times. We will also subtract three digit numbers and numbers with zeros. 

By Taylor and Alaina 

Finishing Terror At the Zoo

A couple of days ago our class finished Terror At the Zoo!!! It was a mysterious book with a lot of cliff hangers in the end of the chapter! It was a great book. Our class enjoyed it!! We voted on the picture for the book and Paisley won!!

                                                          By the one and only Natalie & Alaina

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Library project

In library we finished our project. It is where we go to one of the available websites in electronic library and find a topic. Then we find an article about our topic. Then we open a word document and give credit. Finally we type what we learned about our topic.  Our class has finished them so everyone got to share their article and that's it bye. By Hank and Logan

Made up germ

We made fake germs. We got some material to do our fake germ. We had to write about our germ like what the name is and what is causes. We had to pick a piece of paper and glue both pieces of paper on construction paper. We had a lot of fun making them. 

By Taylor 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Guest reader

Monday morning we had Ms. Rawlings read a book to us. It was called The Best Of Times and The Matchbox Diary. One was about a grandpa telling their grandchildren about memories and the other one helped you with my multiplication tricks. By Jonas and Lucas

Friday, December 4, 2015

Making germs

We made germs out of paper, foam, feathers, beads, string and pipe cleaners! It was a lot of fun cutting and gluing stuff. We also did a paper on how to catch the germ and how to get rid of the germ.

                                              By Natalie & Mailei   

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Small steps drawing

Our class finished Small Steps so we made a picture for it. The picture was a milk shake because that is how Peg got better from polio. Polio is a disease that paralyzed and makes it hard for you to breathe.The drawing was done by Natalie!  

                      By Alaina and Natalie 


Our class has been using the app Epic! Epic! is an app that you can read on. We think Epic! Is better than Myon because it has real books. You can change and customize your profile. That's  why we like Epic! By 

Jonas and Luke S.

Terror at the zoo

In read aloud we are reading Terror At The Zoo. It is a book about three people Tony,Ellen,and Corey. Tony: an escaped convicted felon is on the run but he sees the Woodland  Park Zoo and he decides to sleep there over night or maybe longer. Corey and Ellen are going to spend the night at the Woodland Park Zoo too because they got a birthday present and it was a card to spend the night at the Woodland park zoo so they are there, but THEIR PARENTS HAVEN'T MET THEM AT THE ZOO LIKE THEY ASSUMES THEY WoULD. So.....they maybe all alone besides the animals or are they? Read the book to find out By:Hank and Logan

Germ posters

We made germ posters and trailers. Two people made trailers.The other people did posters. Then we shared them. Mailiei made a scary trailer.Natalie made cheerful one.It was a blast of germs.
By Alaina and Mailiei

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Lone Ranger

We learned about the Lone Ranger he was a Texas ranger. We watched the tv show. Tonto is his best friend and helped him when he was almost dead. We read about the Lone Ranger in a book called Small Steps. The girl in the story listened to the radio show when she was in the hospital with polio. Lucas and Carter

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Lunch surprise

At lunch today our class got a bag of DumDum because we got a lot of feathers for being quiet and getting in a straight line.  So every time a class did good one of the supervisors would put a feather on one the turkeys on the bulletin board. So this week our class got five! And all of the other classes got less so we got the bag of DumDums.      By Natalie 

Finished small steps

We finished Small Steps. We also read the epilogue.  It told us more about polio and what happened to Peg's room mates: Dorothy, Renee, Alice and Shirley.  Shirley was relly sick and she died from polio a few years after Peg left. It explained that Peg went back to school and got better. It also talked about Jonas Salk who invented the polio vaccine. Our class enjoyed the book a lot.
By Rory and Taylor 

Small steps life lessons and stuff

We finished Small Steps today and this we learned several things. One,  I struggle with this one but you should always try your best even though it's hard. Two, YOU SHOULD BE GREATFUL that you don't have a bad disease like polio or other stuff like cancer. Three, you should be grateful that you have parents that love you. Four, you shouldn't be mean to people in wheelchairs because they have feelings too. Finally, don't criticize people that have disabilities. By: Hank and Carter

Monday, November 23, 2015

Read aloud pictures

Every time we finish a book we draw a picture of something we visualized about the book. Once we finish it the next day we vote on the best one. Once we are done voting we put the best one on the wall. You need to put color on the whole picture. It is fun drawing the Luke 

The lion craft

Today in class instead of morning work we colored a lion.  This is what it looks like . We have to solve the problems and color the answer in with the right color and it as you can see to the left it says what to color depending on the answer. By: Logan and Hank

Friday, November 20, 2015

Small steps

Peg has polio. She has been taking small steps to get better. That is why the book is called small steps. Peg has been working long and hard but she finally got her walking sticks. She is doing good but she still is weak. 
By: Luke and Logan

New student

In our class we just got a new student! Her name is Paisley. She is nice and friendly. She got here on the 18th in November. She has every thing that she needs and she is a great help.                                           

                                                               By Natalie & Asher


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Viruses and bacteria

Viruses are not the same as bacteria because viruses are smaller than bacteria. But you can't kill viruses. There is no medicine to kill it . But you can kill bacteria with antibiotics . Viruses can make more.  They find a living cell and force there way in and make more.  Then eventually the cell is so full of viruses it explodes and the viruses look for more cells and eventually you will get sick.

By Rory and Hank

Game day

We have a game day every year. A game day is where you go play games in the media center. You only get to go if you haven't had a office referral. We only get to play games for half an hour. Some of the games were Apples to Apples, Headbands,Uno,Monopley. 

By Taylor and Rory 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Guest reader

In our class we got a special reader named Mr. Burl isin. He read us Testing The Ice. It was about Jackie Robinson. It was a great book. We learned that black people had to play on seperate fields and in a seperate league than white people. It wasn't fair. Jackie Robinson helped change that. After the book was done he talked to us about the book . He said it was his favorite book.    

By Natalie 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Natalie's mom

Yesterday Natalie's mom came to our class and taught us about germs and diseases. She is a good lab tech. Sometimes she has to put poop in a jar! Yuck! It was a great day.She gave us gloves too and showed us how to take them off without getting germs on us. Carter and Luke .S


We just went to the Planetarium. It was awesome! We got to watch two movies that were 20 minutes and 1 was about health and how astronauts survive in space. We learned that astronauts wear special suits to protect them selves from all the dangerous things in space. By Carter and Lucas

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Every Wednesday our class  does a math test. Some people have 0 & 1 on their test. Some people don't which is harder. Some people even have 11 & 12 on their test which is the hardest.  By Natalie & Alaina

Muffles and truffles

We watched a video about muffles and truffles. Muffles has a shop with lots of truffles. We had to figure out how many boxes of each truffle flavor how he had. For example, if Muffles made 142 chocolate truffles and he put them in boxes of 10 he would have 14 boxes with 2 left over. By Carter and Luke H.

Veterans Day Cards

 We made Veterans' Day cards for the people who fight for the U.S.A. Hy-Vee gave our cards to Veterans yesterday. If we didn't have the people that fight for the U.S.A we would not have freedom.  If that happened the world would be corrupt. Logan and Max

Monday, November 9, 2015

Guessing diseases

People got cards with a sentence or more that gave them a hint of what they needed to act out. We read the cards and acted them out around the room. When doing that we were supposed to find someone that was doing something like us.when we found our partners we discussed what we were going to do in front of the class.Every body went with there partners and the class got to guess what we were doing and then we read the cards to the class to tell them what the disease ment.

                                            By Natalie &Alaina

Friday, November 6, 2015

The book fair!

The book fair is open Nov. 9, 10,11, 12, & 13. People who just got out of conferences can go to the book fair, but some people go before their conference. 

                                                       By natalie&alaina


Buffers is a nickname for Buffy. Buffy is a Lionhead bunny. He does not bite people. Buffy is the best pet bunny ever. He loves chewing on stuff like cords, shoes, wood, and paper. Lately he's not been letting anyone pet him a lot, but he is still fun to watch. Yesterday he wouldn't eat so Ms. Mathes took him to the vet. Last night the vet called Ms. Mathes and said that they think he ate something he wasn't supposed to so he isn't at school today. But don't worry, he will be okay.
                                                        Published by Luke S. and Jonas
Jonas W. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Small steps

In read aloud we started reading a book called Small Steps. We are learning about a disease called polio because the girl in the book has it. In the first chapter she collapsed at school and she said, " I'm fine". And she had a temperature of 102. Then her mom called the doctor and the doctor said that she should be ok we need to watch her.  Then the next morning the doctor came back and said that she needs to go to a hospital in Minneapolis because she has polio. Then the parents went in and talked to their daughter told her she had Polio and she was scared. By Emma and Taylor 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Kindergarten Buddies & More Halloween Treats

We had fun reading to our Kindergarten Buddies in Mrs. Hotchkiss's class on Friday.  We also got some treats from Ms. Mathes.