Friday, October 30, 2015

Fall Fun with Books

We had fun reading and eating our cute Halloween snacks today. Ms.  Mathes's dog, Onomatopoeia (Pia for short) even came to visit. Here are some pictures. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015


In our classrooms we have lots of great books.If you like Secrets of Droon Ms. Mathes has it for you.I like Princess books about a girl.Kids have different opinions about books.                                                        

                                      By: Rachel

Tales of a fourth grade nothing

We finished Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. In this book the problem is that Fudge is always causing trouble for Peter. For example: Fudge was watching a movie in the movie theater and he saw a bear on the screen so he ran away trying to touch the bear. Then Peter had to find Fudge. Fudge also ate Peter's turtle and he had to go to the hospital to get it out, but the turtle was dead so Peter's parents got him a dog. So Peter still has an annoying brother, but has a dog to help him feel better. By Logan & Luke S. 


We like the app Padlet because it is fun and it's cool. We are adding books when we finish one. And we can choose a background. Padlet is awesome.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Math test

On Wednesdays our class does a multiplication test. One of are rules are if you get under five minutes you have to go to 12's. Only one person has gone to 12's in our class. But we just got more people doing 12's because they got under five minutes. 

                                                 By: Natalie & Rachel

Monday, October 26, 2015


We  are doing arrays in math so we cut out arrays. Then we glued them on a array sheet we labeled the dimensions and wrote an equation. Then we made the same array again and cut them into two parts to make it easier. In this problem 9 x12 is hard. So if you break up the arrays into 9 x10 and 9 x 2 those are easier to multiply. Logan

Friday costumes.

On Friday our school is going to dress up as book characters!  We can't wear face paint or bring accessories like wands or weapons. We have to be able to wear our costumes all day so we need to be able to do PE and recess in them. We're  going to stay in the room and read all day!For our class we are going to also read to our kindergarten buddies.I hope that we have a fun time on Friday. And that's what we're doing on Friday.

                                              Yours truly,

Rhymes with multiplication

We are learning our multiplication facts. One helpful trick is rhymes. Some multipcation rhymes are : 4x4 isn't mean,4x4 is sweet 16; 6x6 pickup sticks,6x6 is 36; 7x7 feeling fine,7x7 is 49; 8x8 fell on the floor,8x8 is 64; 9x9 ate a ton,9x9 is 81; 12x12 give me 4 more,12x12 is 144; 5,6,7,8-56 is 7x8 by Taylor and Emma 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Tales of a fourth grade nothing

The main character in Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing is Peter and the problem is his 2 year old brother named Fudge is always causing trouble.  Peter got a turtle at a birthday party and he brought it home and Fudge is trying to take it. You need to read this book because it's funny. By Carter and Jonas

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


A milestone is a important thing that happened in your life. For example:Let's say you get a new 
toy and you write about it. That is a milestone. It can be short or long. We read a book called Milestones.  It had lots of stories kids and real authors wrote about their milestones. One was even by JK Rowling!  It was about when she got glasses. LukeH. LukeS.

Pinch pots

In Art we are doing pinch pots. On October 21 we started decorating them! Some people made owls,cats,and anything they could think of and that they wanted to do.Next time we are going to paint them!We forgot to say this before that a pinch pot is a ball of clay that you stick your thumb thumb in and pinch and turn.And then Mr. Gwinner put them in the kiln. Natalie & Alaina

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Reading with iPads.

On our iPads we do a lot of things. But the most important thing is when we use it for reading.In Independent reading we time our self to see how long we read and we use  Biblionasium to put dawn how many pages we read. 

                                             Yours truly,


Morning work on iPads

We are doing are morning work on our iPads.l think  it's better than paper because we can write in different ways. We use Notability, Google Drive, and Seesaw. By Lucas and Carter

Lemonade War

At the end of Lemonade War .....Jessie put in Evan's  lemonade 3 bags of fruit flies, 2 inch worms,a fuzzy caterpillar, and a handful of dirt. So Evan carried the lemonade down the road and gave some lemonade to two little kids and their Mom said,"I think you should check your lemonade there looks like bugs are in there."  Evan found out. Then they talked over their problems. Money does not matter. Here is the picture our class voted on to display for the book. Taylor drew it. 

By:Emma & Makenna 

Monday, October 19, 2015

BMX bike show

For selling cookie dough we got to see a BMX  bike show. The people that sold three or more got to sit in front. And people that sold the most were VIP and people that got 25 got posters and signings. The roller blader even jumped over Ms Rawlings. We had a lot of fun and we hope to do it next year! Taylor & Natalie 

Heavenly Hats

Kids who donat d money to the Heavenly Hats charity today got to wear hats (a few donated, but did wear a hat).

Friday, October 16, 2015


We are doing a science project. You need to fill out two pages of questions. Then you make slide show. Before you make the slide show you make up an anamal and its adaptations to stay alive. This is our Alpine biome. by Alaina

Showing not telling

In writing we are learning to show what you're trying to say instead of just telling the reader in the book.
We tried to show what we were feeling in the the class and the class tried to guess it .
We also  wrote a paper to describe how we knew  if they were happy sad or other emotions when we saw them act it out. We took a selfi of are self and put it on seesaw and the class trued to guess it.
By Taylor and Natalie

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


In math we are working on arrays and we found out that they have to have equal columns and rows.  There are lots of arrays in our classroom. This is a 5x5 array. By Carter 

Baby fish

A fish had babies a couple of weeks ago. They got a lot bigger since then. Sadly, some of them got eaten. The babies love to eat. I think they are happy with the other fishes. By Alaina

Friday, October 9, 2015

Pop rocks

We described Pop-rocks. We found out that they look like little jagged rocks that are shiny like glass. They smelled fruity. They sounded like a rainstorm bashing down on the ground in our mouths. They felt like hail and like fire works exploding in our mouths!


We are studying adaptations. One time we saw the adaptations of the Beluga Whale. It was cool to see all of the adaptations. One of the adaptations are the top fin. First it was tall like a dolphin's fin, but now it is very very small because they often swim onder ice bergs and the tall one used to get stuck. By Alaina

It's Mizzou Day!!

X 3 number

In math we started multiplying 3 numbers!  Ms Mathes showed how she would solve it and explained some tricks to figure it out quicker. Some tricks were to multiplie the first 2 numbers then what ever the product it is you multiplie that with the third number in the sentence. Grouping numbers like that is called the associative property of multiplication. 

Lemonade war

Evan and Jessie are fighting.They are both in the100's with the money they collected so far. Evan just got a huge bucket full of lemonade so he can make a lot more money.If he wins then Jessie has to give him $208.And that would be using Megan's money.So Jessie put bugs in Evan's lemonade!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Kindergarten Buddies

Our Kindergarten Buddies came to visit today. We made bead and pipe cleaner pumpkins. The Kindergartners were great bead counters and the third graders were very helpful and encouraging. We had a lot of fun! Thank you to all the parents who donated supplies for our project. 

Our math time

In math games our class has played the multiplication games Fact Fued,Shoot out,Knock off,and Criss Cross!For the past week we have been studying for a 100 multiplication math test! People made different scores, but only few people scored 100. We have done one more exciting thing in math. We did multiplication times tables! 

                                                     Yours truly,

Camouflage animals

We are making camouflage animals by coloring them into the peice of paper. There are all kind of paper and animals like snakes and butterflies and lizards . A lot of people did a good job. Some are so good you can't even see them -- almost.  Can you find the lizard? Logan and Carter