Friday, January 30, 2015


In read aloud we've been reading Holes by Louis Sachar. Stanley's family is cursed by their Rotten Pig Stealing Great Great Grandfather. They think Stanley stole a famous baseball players shoes so, it sent him to Camp Green Lake. One of the counsellors Mr. Pendanski introduced Stanley to the people who were in his group. They were all boys. They go by the name of Squid, X-ray, Magnet, Armpit, Zigzag, and Zero. There used to be a lake at Camp Green Lake. Until it dried up. The story to how it dried up is... There was a teacher named Ms. Catherine Barlow. She fell in love with Sam the Onion Man. Sam was black. A lady caught them kissing and you weren't supposed to. Sam and Catherine tried running away on the lake (that used to be there). The town killed Sam and his donkey Mary Lou. Ms. Catherine Barlow became an   outlaw. She went by the name Kissin' Kate Barlow. When Stanley was digging one day he found a tube that had on it KB First Zero ran away. Then Stanley went after him. He found Zero by a boat that had written on it Mary Lou. Zero got these random stomach cramps from what he called, "splush." They climbed a mountain that Zero and Stanley called "Big Thumb." On the mountain they dug a hole and there was water. Then in the distance there it was Sam's onion patch. They went back to Camp Green Lake in the middle of the night they started digging for the loot. There was Yellow Spotted Lizards. The lizards that were on them could kill them. Will they ever find the loot? Will they escape the lizards nest? Find out in the book Holes.

1 comment:

  1. The book and movie are good. But always read the book first.
