Wednesday, October 15, 2014


In writing we have been reading the book Knuckleheads!!! This book should inspire you to have different writing ideas. Some ideas this book might have gave you is....
- A really gross time
- A fun vacation
- Sick/ A time you broke something

A beginnings are something that NEEDS TO grab your readers attention. If it doesn't grab your readers attention it could make nobody want to read your book. Some ideas to start off your beggining is...
- A question
- A mystery (Make sure not to leave it a mystery to long)
- A sound
There are many more , but these were some examples.

Vivid Verbs
Instead of just using plain old boring vebs like....
- Ran
You use...  We Zipped to the finish line. The vivid verbs help make you story more insteresting.

The end needs to remind your reader about what you were reading about.  Let's say you were writing about a time your cat threw up. You might want to say...

-I still can't believe it made all of my brothers throw up with the cat.

Written by: Ella

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