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Live Webcams


Food Chains: learn about and make a food chain on EcoKids

Feed the Dingo: keep an ecosystem alive for 12 days


   Animal Adaptations: video and test

    Animal Migration: Listen and learn about animal migration

   Sea Otter Adaptations: Click & learn about sea otters

    Animal Needs: Readabout animal and match it to its adaptation

   Discover Animal FeetRead/listen about animal feet and match them to their                                                                habitats


   Switch Zoo (Where do I Live): match the animals to the correct location

   Plant & Animal Habitats: find the proper habitats for aliens (Dr. Who)

   Switch Zoo (Build a habitat)build a correct habitat for different animals 

   Design a habitat: design a habitat for a black-footed ferret

   Crittercam: observe and find deep water animals

   Tree Habitats: Play a matching game to find out what lives in & around trees

   Magic School Bus Match: Match animal to its habitat


Helping plants grow: control the water and light to make a plant grow

The Great Plant Escape: Information and a quiz about plants

Nutrition 4 Kids: Games and information about healthy foods & exercise

Food Group Game: Match the foods to the correct group

Mission Nutrition: find food in a kitchen

Scrub Club: games, videos, and information about fighting germs

Food Detectives: looks like a cool site, but doesn’t seem to be working properly at this time

Friction Game: trucks on different surfaces (flashplayer)

Friction Game: friction ramp (flashplayer)

Friction: Sid the Science Kid (flashplayer)

Make a complex machine: PBS Kids make a Rube Goldberg machine (flashplayer)

Line Rider: Make a track for a racer to ride on

Simple Machines: Help build a robot

Building Bridges & Towers

Build the Bridge: move pieces to build a bridge for a train to cross

Jelly Tower: build a tower made of Jelly

Bridge Builder: Draw a line to build a bridge

Cargo Bridge: Design a bridge for workers with loads to cross.

Railway Bridge: draw lines to build a railway bridge...harder

Building Big: learn about bridges

Toothpick Bridge: video on how to build a toothpick bridge

Free Rice: Practice vocabulary, geography & more (and earn rice for hungry people)

DinoDig game: find bones using a coordinate grid

Simon Says: the classic memory game online

Zoom: lots of fun games, activities, and projects

Switch Zoo: games related to animals, you can combine animals to make a new creature

Make Beliefs Comix: Make your own comic strip

World Almanac for Kids: Find fun facts and play games

TVO Kids: a variety of games in different subject areas and some just for fun

Origami Website: Directions and demonstration in making origami

Did You Know: lots of interesting facts

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